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SIUT students participated in a Summer Student Camp in China

2024-09-11  Click:[]

The relations between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the People’s Republic of China have been experiencing a period of dynamic development in recent years, covering an ever-increasing range of areas of cooperation. One of the key aspects of this fruitful partnership is education, where the universities of the two countries are actively exchanging experiences and establishing bridges for academic exchange. A vivid example of such cooperation is the recent trip of a group of students from the Samarkand International University of Technology (SIUT) to China to participate in a summer student camp.


In August of this year, a group of students from the Chinese Institute of Electric Power (CIEP) at SIUT visited the People’s Republic of China as part of their participation in a summer camp dedicated to “expanding youth exchange and deepening Sino-Uzbek friendship”. During the 10-day stay, the CIEP students – Saodat Saleeva, Amir Niyazov, and Olim Dustmuradov – visited the Northeast Electric Power University (NEEPU), located in the city of Jilin.




During their stay at one of China’s leading energy universities, our students familiarized themselves with the educational programs, opportunities for international students, practical zones, and laboratories of the university. They also directly participated in practical classes at the NEEPU’s operating thermal power plant. In addition to getting acquainted with the university’s activities, SIUT students also visited a number of museums, parks, and historical sights of Jilin, such as the Meteorite Museum, the Jilin History Museum, Beishan Park, the Confucius Temple, and Longtan Mountain.

This trip made a strong impression on them and left unforgettable memories of the hospitable Chinese culture, its traditions, and the great historical past.

“We are experiencing the golden age of student life. Even from the very first year, we have the opportunity to participate in student exchange programs. Just recently, in June, I was in South Korea as a participant in the student theater studio ‘Oltin Meros’. In a month and a half, I'm already going to China. This is great! These are unforgettable feelings, an exchange of experiences with peers from other countries. This trip is particularly important for us, as in the future we plan to continue our studies at the Northeast Electric Power University. We were also very impressed by our meeting with the President of the university – Professor Guowei Cai” – says Saleeva Saodat.

“During the time spent in Jilin, we made new friends and got to know our peers, with whom we tried to speak in Chinese. I was very impressed by China’s energy progress and its scale. We were lucky to participate in laboratory research at the local power plant, which is an industrial zone for NEEPU students” – Olim Dustmuradov.


“We also participated in special lectures by NEEPU professors on the study of the Chinese language and the history of China. After completing these courses, we were all given books and textbooks on the Chinese language and history” – Amir Niyazov.

Thanks to their participation in the summer camp, SIUT students familiarized themselves with the entire spectrum of the university’s educational activities, where they can continue their studies after the 2nd year according to the “double degree” program, adopted as part of the cooperation between SIUT and NEEPU. Moreover, one of the main goals of organizing the summer camp in China was to provide practical assistance to CIEP students in improving their Chinese language skills, as well as to strengthen mutual respect and friendship between the student youth of China and Uzbekistan.

It is worth noting that the universities have established academic mobility and faculty exchanges. For example, with the support of the Chinese Embassy in Tashkent, starting in the new 2024/2025 academic year, one more professor from PRC – Li XingCan (Northeast Electric Power University) and assistant teacher of Chinese language and culture Zhang SuHang (Center for Language Education and Cooperation) will begin teaching for CIEP students.



The summer camp was organized as part of the program of “expanding youth exchange and deepening Sino-Uzbek friendship”, and it clearly demonstrates the commitment of the two countries to developing academic ties and strengthening cultural contacts.
