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Three Students from Our University Won the Honorary Title of "University Student Self-improvement... 2020/09/16 
The Academic Affairs Office was awarded "Jilin Province Revitalization of Undergraduate Education... 2020/09/03 
Two majors of our university have passed the Chinese Engineering Education Professional Certifica... 2020/08/31 
Professor Li Guoqing was elected as a Fellow of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering in ... 2020/08/31 
Scientific Research Teams of NEEPU Honored as‘Huang Danian Pattern Research Team’ of Jilin Prov... 2020/08/21 

NEEPU Students Came as Champion in 1st Network Security Competition of Jilin Province 2020/08/21 
Drama ‘Zheng Derong’ Performed at NEEPU University Hall 2020/08/21 
Building Dreams with Same Heart,Gathering strength for the Bright Future 2020/08/21 
Northeast Electric Power University 70th Anniversary 2020/08/21 
Our Basketball Team Won the Jilin Province Division Championship of the 22nd Chinese University B... 2020/08/20 
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